EN  |  FR  |  ES


I am a jurist and a designer that can manage both legal and graphic projects. My work aims to make content more accessible through a sustainable approach to information design.

I am a French and Spanish law graduate that specialized in international arbitration and procedural law. After various experiences within the legal sector, my interest shifted to communicating information in a powerful way. Some opportunities in the legal design field followed, which allowed me to better understand how useful graphic design could be. This led me to follow an official program in infographics.  

As a result of my diverse background, I can offer a unique outlook on design. My goal is to make relevant information accessible by reshaping complex sets of data in beautiful yet purposeful compositions. For this, I priotitize socially, economically and environmentally responsible projects.  

Given the environmental and socio-economical crisis we are living, a responsible graphic design practice seems a small grain of sand. But, however small, this is my professional contribution to our world.

CV and Portfolio available under request.  


Topographic and Contour’s Map — Sta. Brígida, G.C., Spain
Homage - Artistic manifestations of Gran Canaria’s pre-Hispanic population

I grew up in a little village on the highlands of Gran Canaria, an island with a rich history and pre-Hispanic artistic heritage. Inspired by the ancient designs found in handmade ceramics, idol sculptures and cave murals, I decided to pay tribute to the native population by creating this graphic composition.